COVID-19 Tracker

Update Alert:

The final release for the main functionalities of the COVID-19 Tracker App is now available for download. The COVID-19 Tracker app v2.1 has added two more functionalities from its previous version. The first one is an interactive map section where you can get a fully refined data analysis for the current cases of COVID-19. The second feature is about the most frequently asked questions about coronavirus where you can get the most reliable answers as per defined in WHO's main website. As mentioned above even if this is the last release for the build, updates will be given regularly on this website to address issues regarding the app.

Download the latest release:

Get instant updates about the current status of COVID-19 at your fingertips.

COVID-19 Tracker is an android app that utilizes Web API to deliver you the live stats and current conditions for the global reach of COVID-19. As we all know COVID-19 is declared as a pandemic by WHO which is now spreading exponentially across the globe and wreaking havoc in many countries worldwide. The app is created to help in mitigating the impacts of the virus by keeping people informed about the conditions as we stay behind doors and fight the virus. It is built to instantly run on your android phone or tablet without a hassle. I have optimized the code to make it offer more compatibility and convenience for the user. The app has multifaceted features that work really well with each other as they provide a seamless experience for the user.

The app is developed by Tewodros Megabiaw. I am a junior at Wenzhou university majoring in computer science. I was born in Ethiopia and traveled to China to receive my undergrad education while I get to witness the upheavals created by the virus first hand. So I devoted the rest of my time to develop an application that will help in any way possible to contribute to creating awareness about the virus at times where misinformation is leading people to make irrational and unscientific decisions. The app is primarily devoted to helping people in developing countries where there are not sufficient medical facilities to help control the spread of the virus. Users of this app can make phone calls to emergency hotline number when they think they are showing symptoms of the disease, get instant updates about the rate of infections and deaths, stay up to date with the latest news feed from trusted sources, use google maps to search for nearby medical facilities and graph visualization for global cases.

App Features

Check out all these features below to see how my app is ideal for you.



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